So, here is the question. Do you believe in the values of compassion and love and forgiveness but, when you get behind the wheel of your car, do these values sometimes go out the window?
When you forget about these values, do you, then, even forget that you forgot so it all becomes difficult?
Do you get into mini road-rages?
You need to check up.
Do you think it is the other drivers creating the conditions for your road rage? Of course, blame the other, right? It is an easy thing to do. That is the first mistake we do.
Do you get road-rage when you are alone?
Do you play music in the car when you are driving?
Are most of the times when you do not have road rage when you do not have music? Or, do you have road rage with music? Well, it depends on the music. If you have like Iron Maiden, it is easy to have road-rage. If you have something melodious like the Tara Mantra, see, you are creating the good conditions.
You must check up your own mind, your own conditions.
So, basically, road rage is very interesting. It means we are not aware of the moment. We are not with ourselves. Or, maybe, we are too much with ourselves. We cannot stand ourselves. That is when road rage happens. We cannot stand our mind. Too much ahhhwwww, is so toxic. So, we lash outside. It is a way of expressing ourselves. We have conflict and we have toxicity and we have frustration. The way we express it is like that, GRRRRARGH, like road rage or something. If we observe and we are aware we can transform, we can channel it, we can use that energy for something more useful.
So, it is important to be aware. Use it. If you are stuck in traffic, use that time, adapt to it, and use it for your own creativity. So, when you are stuck in traffic, use it to do mantras. Use it to practice patience. Do some meditation, some breathing. Or, while you are just sitting there, relax. Enjoy that time. Be like, this is my resting time. Instead, if you are like, GRRRRARGH, instead of resting, you are completely contrary. You tire yourself so much. You channel all this negativity. Then, you get to wherever you are going, and you feel so tired, so exhausted.
Sometimes, we do things that are going to complicate our lives so much more and we still do it. We have been doing like this for such a long time. We even know we are doing it and we do it, again. That is about habits. Due to habits, we do things that are counterproductive. They take away our quality of life. We will continue living, but the quality of our life will be diminished. So, all these things we must be aware of, we always must be checking, observing. OK?