OK, I’ll just going to talk from my point of view. If I’m wrong, please correct me. This is my concept. So, I’m probably wrong. So basically, I see it a little bit like this: the men, they evolve in a straight line, they go from A to B, finished. The women they evolve in a spiral, so they cover much more ground, so they are much more evolved in that sense, they cover much more ground, and, of course, they are the door of the universe. So inside the culture of history, because the female has been so much more superior to the men, in that sense – the wisdom and understanding, evolution, all these concepts – you have to be if you are going to create life, it’s so powerful- so obviously, they are much more grounded. So, I think in the history of the cultures in the world and the society, the men have feared the potential of the women. Even though ancient times used to be matriarchal, it changed because I think the men, through their physical power and the ignorance also, they tried to put down the women out of fear that the women would be superior to them, more and more, which is true actually.

Through history, it has been happening a lot many times, for many thousands of years. If you study history, you’ll see. There’s many, many cultures that they idolized women, and the woman is like a god. It’s just based on circumstances and times and mainly on individuals, of course. But, of course, I think education is very important, to teach the children. I have many friends, for example, who, based on their education, they act in a certain way. I have friends, I have many different friends from all over the world, so I have seen many different cases.

In some cases, the women cook with their daughter, and the boys and the father, they just sit at the table and chill; then they eat; then the women take the plates, they wash, they clean, and the men are just sitting like that. The women are the ones who work. In India, I have seen it a lot. If you go, just you see it when they’re building a house, you can see the women are carrying maybe twenty bricks on their head, and they’re paid maybe twenty rupees a day; and then the men, they call them mistri so they’re the ones who do the, put the cement, so they do the cement and they get paid much more. But the woman is the one who does the hard work. So how did that happen if the man is much stronger physically? This is just one point in many aspects in society which don’t make any sense at all. We could be talking about this for many long hours, you know. There are many different aspects.

It has come to this, but things are changing, thanks to education. It’s very important, the education is very, very important. As His Holiness Dalai Lama says, education is the future. I don’t know, it’s just my point of view. I think it’s very important that, of course, we are all equal and we have to really respect each other, no matter our gender, it doesn’t really matter; no matter the gender, the position or the responsibilities, the experience the wisdom or whatever, it doesn’t matter. You must treat everybody the same way. We should speak with respect, with humility, with understanding.  I think that maybe enough.

1 Comment

  1. Lisa Skye

    I agree that men are afraid and run in fear. Fear is why we all have war, fights, and anxiety. Patriarchy is really not getting us to a place of wonder and awe.

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