Article: Magical Emanations: The Unexpected Lives of Western Tulkus

Mar 17, 2021

By Andrea Miller for Lion’s Roar

“They were typical kids — then they were recognized as the reincarnations of Tibetan Buddhist masters. Three Western tulkus talk to Andrea Miller about their experience growing up and how they feel today about the strange turn their lives took.”

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  1. Andy Wistreich

    Thank you for making this excellent article the blog this week. It’s really thought-provoking. Especially for someone like me who is concerned with the transition of the Dharma from mediaeval Tibet to the present global environment. It seems that these Tulkus might be the last ones to be recognised as such because, as one or two of them say, it hasn’t really worked to recognise Tulkus in non-traditional bodies. As the writer mentions, there weren’t any girls amongst them. That’s the tradition. Girl reincarnations went unrecognised in the past, but still played very beneficial roles in the spiritual life of the community. And that’s how it will be for boys too from now on outside of the traditional communities. But I am sure they will keep coming, and will benefit the world.

  2. claudio cipullo

    I think Osel Hita is right when he says we don’t need all that.
    A Tulku is an emanation of a previous Lama, but the outer and inner conditions that make them are completely different so they come out different.
    In one way they are the previous Lama in another they are completely different, because of different conditions.
    Ku is the name given to Buddha Holy Body, trul means emanation or manifestation, one manifestation or aspect of Buddha that’s all.
    From the very ignorant Claude.

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