Ösel’s four-part documentary was released in November 2022. This exciting series, directed by Lucas Figueroa (Mr. Monkey), was launched on HBO Max (in Spain & Portugal for the time being).
The launch of this series was followed by a number of public interviews. Have a look at these three interviews:
1. Spanish interview with Radio Catalunya: https://fb.watch/hhuokGE1Sv/
2. Spanish interview with Hoy por Hoy: https://youtu.be/3C3ETSBUnus
3. Spanish interview with Formula TV: https://youtu.be/LTGboMaUc6w
4. Spanish interview with laSexta Noticias: https://youtu.be/ttQVTtDwzO0
Subscribe to the One-Big-Love newsletter, and stay up to date with Ösel’s latest tours and program. An exciting tour to Mexico is happening in 2023. More news on this coming soon!
I am looking forward to the release of Osel’s documentary in the United States. Us westerners would love to view it!